Commisssion structure – If you are new to Easypay, the idea of earning commissions as an Easypay merchant /agent can be both exciting and confusing. It is important to understand the various commission structures that may be offered to you by the company. For you to receive commission, you must […]
Mobile Wallet With EasyPay
Easypay in 60 seconds (Video Script)
E-ticketing in Uganda and how to get started on Easypay.
contents. What is e-ticketing. Benefits of e-ticketing. How to create an event. Requirements for event approval. How to promote an event. How to buy an e-ticket on Easypay. How to cancel an e-ticket and get a refund. Reconciliation. Overview. What is e-ticketing? E-ticketing is the process of selling tickets to […]
EasyPay – What it is and Why use it? The advantages
Easypay version 3.5.2 – Introducing Card Payments reloaded.
It has been a constant question, when will you have VISA added to Easypay? We are proud to announce a smoother, more secure VISA experience. This was only possible with our partnership with flutterwave. We currently support all major credit and debit cards e.g Visa, mastercard, discovery and Verve cards. So […]