We are incredibly excited to share with you some big news: The big update to Easypay is finally here for you! So, what is new? Better and slicker UI (User Interface). The app has got a complete overhaul in looks and colors have been harmonized. It also feels and works […]
Best ways to protect your Easypay account from fraud.
Commission structure for Easypay merchants.
Mobile Wallet With EasyPay
Easypay in 60 seconds (Video Script)
E-ticketing in Uganda and how to get started on Easypay.
contents. What is e-ticketing. Benefits of e-ticketing. How to create an event. Requirements for event approval. How to promote an event. How to buy an e-ticket on Easypay. How to cancel an e-ticket and get a refund. Reconciliation. Overview. What is e-ticketing? E-ticketing is the process of selling tickets to […]
EasyPay – What it is and Why use it? The advantages
Easypay version 3.5.2 – Introducing Card Payments reloaded.
It has been a constant question, when will you have VISA added to Easypay? We are proud to announce a smoother, more secure VISA experience. This was only possible with our partnership with flutterwave. We currently support all major credit and debit cards e.g Visa, mastercard, discovery and Verve cards. So […]