Paying for Goods and Services using EasyPay Mobile Wallet

Paying for goods or services simply involves transfering funds from one easypay user to another. However, Merchants may not want to share their phone numbers to all customers as this can pose a security risk. Also, Merchant accounts benefit from commissions. For more information, How do i become an Easypay merchant?

Easypay mitigates the issue by offering two additional methods to transfer funds;

Paying for Goods and Services using EasyPay Mobile Wallet
Paying for Goods and Services using EasyPay Mobile Wallet
  • Biller Codes – When you hold a merchant account, a biller code is automatically assigned to you. This is a six digit numeric value that customers can send to instead of using the merchants phone number.
  • QR Codes – a machine-readable code consisting of an array of black and white squares, typically used for storing account information for reading by the camera on a smartphone. A merchant can simply print off his/her QR code and customers can simply scan it and send money to it.

How to Print Your QR Code?

  1. Tap the wallet icon on the home screen to reveal the wallet menu.
  2. Tap the menuitem labelled as “My Qr Code” and the My QR Code screen will be opened as shown in the figure on the left.
  3. Simply click the orange circle at the bottom right of the screen shown on the left. The QR Code will then be downloaded into your phone gallery and you can simply print it off in black and white ink.

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